
10 Ways to Embrace Winter

Before we begin, I’d like to add that this blog post isn’t for anyone who suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder. I’m not a jerk. This is a personal guide into how I love and am learning to embrace winter in the UK. Yes, sideways rain too. I hope you enjoy.

It’s not all about us This post on Instagram by Loving Life in Wellies inspired me to write this post. Thank you Chelsea:

I know this time of year people struggle to accept and embrace the seasons due to long periods of dark and cold. But remember it’s not all about us. There’s so many important things happening in nature over this brief period in order to give us colourful springs and hot summers. Choose to understand it, educate yourself, see the benefits. Choose to accept it and find little pockets of like each day.  What you resist persists!

The basics Aside from hibernating for 5 months, I think we can all learn to prioritise rest and recovery in winter if we really want to. Personally I’m choosing to listen to my body by saying no more, and opting for quieter weekends and evenings so I can focus on the basics with the ones I care about. In a culture where being busy at work and in play is common practice, freeing up time to prioritise rest is a revolutionary act (I say so).

Reflect The New Year is the perfect time to reflect and be mindful of the year that’s just been. I don’t know about you, but after the Christmas flurry I find it hard to focus on New Year resolutions. I don’t care much about the pressure to be pushing forwards and planning ahead all the time. Use the months of January and February to dream a little, and use spring as a gentle deadline for your goals for the year ahead.

*Lenovo Yoga 730 gifted by AO.com

Nest House pottering is my favourite kind of activity, and in winter I’m pretty good at it. You know the score; a few household chores here and there, baking whilst watching Gilmore Girls on repeat, listening to music and reading books next to the fire. Now isn’t that something to look forward to?

Embrace the imperfections My favourite memories aren’t just those spent on crisp white beaches in the baking heat. They include snowball fights with my siblings, hobbling down mountains in the freezing rain (spurred on by the pub at the bottom), and being huddled together in a poorly pitched tent, during one very windy weekend in Whitby. Imperfect memories like this are my favourite.

How to embrace the winter monthsLenovo Yoga 730 Laptop

Learn something new Use any extra time spent indoors learning a new hobby or project. Personally I’m going to use winter as a time to concentrate on my creative writing, and make it a part of my everyday.

Discover the UK The British countryside is unbelievable in all seasons, but in winter our countryside and cities are pretty magical. Dose up on vitamin D and arrange social meetups with friends in the outdoors. Check out my recent post on Ways to Enjoy The Outdoors for ideas.

Uk lifestyle bloggerYorkshire bloggers

Film If being indoors is your thing go to your local indie cinema and discover new and exciting work on the big screen. Support British and indie films, choose F Rated cinema (films directed or written by women), watch documentaries and learn something different. Not forgetting, to indulge in mainstream cinema too; with awards season on its way there’s so much to look forward to.

Seasonal Food A great way to boost your immune system in winter is by eating seasonal food. Try new food and drink recipes. Embrace mistakes and enjoy being creative with food and drink. Just like in summer when you might try a new holiday cocktail, try sampling different hot drinks.

Slow Down The one thing I love about snow is that it forces us to slow down, literally. Photograph the season, its details and ‘flaws’. Take time to enjoy it, rather than enduring it.

Winter is coming chums, and I’m OK with that.

Disclosure: In collaboration with AO.com

One Comment

  • Jan

    Wise words, especially that it’s not all about us! And you chose my all time fave tv show ???? Thanks for the inspiration that we all need in soggy November!

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