
My 5 Mindfulness Rituals

Pure Thoughts CandlesCollaborative Post with Pure Thoughts. Items gifted listed at the bottom of the post.

Bit by bit, I’ve been enjoying small moments in my day to try to get some control back after a bad bout of anxiety, and to help reconnect with me. For too long I’ve felt guilty for thinking about myself, especially as I have no children, but health puts things into perspective so I’m making positive changes in my everyday.

I’ve found taking time out for myself actually takes no time at all; it’s about being purposeful with the minutes in your day, rather than finding extra time to do all the stuff.

My self-care rituals are simple. Yours might be a visit to a spa, closing the bathroom door away from a noisy family or simply pouring yourself a glass of red. Whatever they are, I hope you’ll be inspired to think more about what you need so you can find some time to breathe and enjoy the present. If you head over to my Instagram you’ll find a giveaway (8th Aug, from 9pm) from my friends at Pure Thoughts, who make the most beautiful natural candles and skincare, to help you learn how to press pause too.

Pure Thoughts Bath SaltsPure Thoughts UK Lifestyle Blog

Bathing | I like rituals that force your mind and body to slow down. You simply can’t rush taking a bath. I’ve been using the Juniper & Cedarwood Mineral Bath Soak c/o Pure Thoughts, to help ease my body after a long day in front of a computer screen. The ritual of making a bath and soaking my body is fast becoming a favourite act of self-care.

Watering the plants | I’ve spent more time with our plants, indoor and outdoors, ever since this summer heat wave of ours landed, and that I know has been a good thing. Watering the soil, potting and misting the leaves has helped me find a little calm in my day. Dear potted plant friends, you are loved. I promise to try to keep you alive!

Wellness IdeasWellness BloggerMathilde heart Manech

Reading in the evening | I’m reading more and more. Feasting on all genres of books I can get my hands on and wondering why I didn’t read this much years ago. Making time to read has taken practice and it means less screen time in the evenings, of which I’m sure is a good thing. Reading also makes me a better writer, which I want to focus on over the coming years.

Meditation | My friend recommended I start meditation as I’d been feeling overwhelmed with things. I’ve been using the Headspace app for a few months now for 3 minutes a day and I’m slowly making this a self-care ritual –  it takes time to form new habits. Helping me (a little incentive if you like), is the natural soy wax Peace meditation candle to use whilst I meditate. The scent of lavender and the flicker of the flame is meditating enough.

I’m learning that I need to practice meditation outside of the comfort of my home, even if for a minute or two. Do you have any advice on this?

Peace Meditation Candle, Bath Soak, Pulse Point Oil

Polly | Dogs are the epitome of living in the here and now so, if you’re looking to find mindfulness in your day, get a dog. Polly helps me focus on the present, pick me up when things are tough, and is a constant source of comfort. Even when she rolls in stinky fox poo.

With thanks to Pure Thoughts for sending me these carefully curated gifts to enjoy, as I learn to look after myself more. Don’r forget to pop over to my Instagram for a chance to win your own self-care package.

What are your go-to self-care rituals?


  • Chelsea

    My favourite part is “I ’ve found taking time out for myself actually takes no time at all; it’s about being purposeful with the minutes in your day, rather than finding extra time to do all the stuff.”

    It’s funny how we feel guilty for the something that keeps us alive and living a good quality of life. Surely surviving isn’t enough and not our only purpose on this planet? I’m so obsessed with mindfulness and self care that for people who don’t get it, I try to explain the aeroplane rule. You know in case of an energy, the oxygen mask goes on you first and then your child / person next to you. Because if you can’t make it out alive, how are you going to help your nearest and dearest?!

    Great post!

    P.s I always find meditation best with my bare feet firmly on the the grassy ground – helps with balancing our energy field.


  • Jan

    Hi Lisa, just wanted to say I love your blog- I’ve followed for a couple of years. Love the photography, ideas, your personal style, home ideas, and your story. Keep it coming ???? ! I live in Calderdale too, so your ideas of places to visit are always welcome (I’m a relative newbie heresy ).

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