
5 Positive Things To Do This Week #2

I thought I’d try to make 5 Positive Things To Do This Week a Monday regular. Beginning the week with an uplifting post can only encourage positivity for the week ahead. I’m up for that! So get yourself a cuppa and read on…

  • Go offline for at least one day a week. Although Twitter does tempt me to dip in occasionally, I try to have a break from the computer during the weekend. It almost feels like a luxury when I do this and I tend to come back feeling more productive. Shut down!
  • Got a roof over your head, your health, food in the belly and a handful of family and friends? Count your blessings. Somethings are that simple.
  • Pass on a new recipe. At the moment I’m working my way through the Good Housekeeping Step-by-Step Cook Book (mainly the sweet section!) and I’ve had lots of comments on my cookies. Find a pretty postcard and write the recipe on the back. Pass it on!
  • Buy yourself  flowers or pick some from your garden. Flowers induce positive emotions and don’t need to be expensive – I’m happy buying a bunch for a few pounds and splitting them between jam jars across the house.
  • Cut a sandwich into quarters. I don’t know why this makes me happy but it does.



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