
A Cuppa and a Chat: The First Month of the Year

UK lifestyle blog

January doesn’t have the best reputation, does it? I’ve spoken with a few friends about the first month of the year and they have the same opinion – if January was a day, it would be Monday. People are broke and run down from the previous months festivities, they dread going back to work and the weather is pretty darn sucky. Unless it snows, then it’s just pretty.

So I thought I’d have a pop at altering people’s perceptions of Janvier so you can enjoy Christmas and wake up the day after Boxing Day knowing you have a fun month ahead. Or you know, you can ignore me and revel in the misery and stuff your face with leftover Christmas chocolates – whatever floats your boat!

  • Plan a holiday. I’ve said this before in my 5 Positive Things post but it’s the simplest thing for me to do to get excited about the future. Even if you can’t afford to book anything just yet. Pick up a travel guide (they make great gifts for friends/family if they’re off on their jollies) and start planning.
    Tip! Research blogs in the place where you plan to holiday. You’ll get great ideas for non touristy things to do.
  • Enjoy indoor activities. I relish days when I know I don’t have to be anywhere and can catch up on indoor goodness. Dreary weather can be a blessing so you can practice new recipes, decorate, build websites, do DIY or plan that holiday to Honolulu.
    Tip! Ensure you have an endless supply of tea on the go.
  • Celebrate National Hobby Month. Head to your local library and read up on a hobby you’d like to start. Then, if you’re sure it’s for you, research classes in your area. Photography, Creative Writing, Crafts, Gardening – the world is indeed your oyster.
    Tip! Sign up for brochures from local college/studios now to land on your doorstep next month.
  • Pamper yourself. January is the month to be a little selfish. Enjoy long hot baths, paint your nails and lather yourself with lovely beauty products you’ve received for Christmas (likely to get at least one!). Or if you’re fortunate enough, book a hair appointment, massage or spa day.
    Tip! Book a day off work to ensure maximum relaxation! Days off during the week are much more satisfying.
  • Research a new career. Most people think about a new start for the New Year, which may include a new job. Thinking of working for yourself? Make 2013 the year YOU make things happen.
    Tip! To motivate yourself ask What have I got to lose?

Fat Face Giveaway closes tomorrow – Don’t forget to enter!


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