
5 Positive Things To Do This Week #11

  • Make your morning a good one. Waking up in the dark and going home in the dark is pretty horrendous at the moment, isn’t it? Plan your outfit the night before (an outfit that makes you smile), ensure you’ve got breakfast covered (do you need any milk?), charge your mobile phone through the night, try to have a tidy house to wake up to and crank up that radio.
  • Write a list of the things you’re looking forward to (see mine this week).
  • Don’t panic. Not started any of your Christmas planning/shopping yet and are surrounded by people who have? Don’t worry, it’s a month away. A whole month. Now go make yourself a cuppa, all will be OK.
  • Try not to moan ONCE for a whole week. Instead, talk about the things you’re looking forward to. I really hope this is possible, I hate it when I complain.
  • Pop the clothes you’re wearing the next day on the radiator so when you wake up to get dressed you’ll be nice and toasty.

You can read my previous 5 Positive Things right here!


  • Siobhan

    I’m going to try the not moaning for a week from now (hard to do but worth it I think) and not panicking about Christmas and also planning my outfits the night before. I also really want to do the list of things I’m looking forward to. I think that could make all the difference. So there are three and a bit things I can try form your list and I’ll think of at least one more to make five for me!

  • Lisa-Marie

    I think in some ways our brsins are very similar. I can’t go to bed in a messy flat if I know I’m up early.

    Here are my good things:
    I get to go for a work drink this week – after 3 years of being self employed, a drink with someone after work is special.
    My first payday is on Friday. I am buying a sideboard as a treat.
    We plan to paint our living room on Saturday so it’s fresh for Christmas.
    Saturday will include a Christmas Market wander.
    Monday is Tree Day!

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