Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

Bookmarked: Novelty Slippers

I apply lipstick to my cheeks which I keep in a little lipstick holder. I enjoy a mug of hot sweet tea at the end of a late night. I opt for florals. I buy bags of hard-boiled sweets. I love watching old war movies. I listen to the radio to help me sleep. I wear A LOT of cardigans (not all at once) which, according to the OH, make me look like a granny. I sew pretty samplers. I tut at people with bad manners. I like a glass of port/sherry. I use Astral moisturising cream, like my Nanna did. I like old-fashioned romance. I try to keep my cake tin full at all times. I tell litter-bugs off in public and I stuff tissues up my sleeves (sexy, huh?).

Does all of this suggest I’m old? No it does not (wags finger) for I drink chocolate milk and say words like ‘awesome!’ and ‘naff’ almost every day – proof I am still young, my friends. Proof! However, all the little things, including rubbing lipstick on my cheeks, indicate I’m honing my granny skills to the max. Which is why I can justify adding these Robin Mule Slippers to my Winter wish list because I’m not ready for tweed slippers just yet.
The seasonal Robin printed slippers are from Next, priced £8. Which leaves you enough from a tenner to buy a bag of sherbert lemons- joy!

What makes you old at heart?


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