Hebden Bridge

A good weekend

It’s hard to concentrate at the moment. My mind keeps wandering with thoughts for the people of Japan. How lucky we are. All I can do is hope that Japan stays strong throughout this. If you have any spare pennies (maybe you can for-go your usual Sunday roast this week and swap for beans on toast!) please donate to:

Afterall, we’re all in it together, aren’t we?

The weekend was spent doing lovely things. The sun came out to play so I got busy sowing some seeds, I’m so cool. I saw my first big bumble bee of the year too. It flew into the window, twice. That made me smile. Silly bee.

Rocket, Basil and Mint...grow my beauties!

We cleaned the kitchen cupboards, and I popped my new vintage glasses in their new home.

I swaggered around the house in my new top!

and read more of my book, The Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse

I must confess I have been reading this for two weeks (hangs head in shame). As soon as I finish this post I’m going to finish the book and start The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I’m determined to get into a reading routine. Not having to commute to work anymore is an excuse I can no longer hide behind.

I’ve also been writing. Having spent 6 years of my life studying theatre, it seems ridiculous that it isn’t a part of my life today. Six years. That’s longer than our (Boy and I) relationship! Longer than my love affair with Hebden Bridge, longer than my love for making and baking.

So, I’ve been doing research for a play I’m writing. Which, if finished in time, I’m entering into the 2011 Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting. It’s all very exciting. There’s not a chance in France I will win but it’s the process that I’m enjoying. It feels very good to be going back to what I know and trying something new at the same time. I am writing a play. This pleases me.

Lastly, I am bewildered, inspired and mesmerised by the brilliant series Wonders of the Universe with Professor Brian Cox

We’re children of stars don’t you know?

So, that my friends, was a good weekend. How lucky I am.


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