Hebden Bridge

A week of…

Working, cooking, birthday shopping with my mum, going through old photographs with my family, making flapjack, reading, washing dishes, meeting with my sister for drinks, talking about her impending arrival (my nephew!), rediscovering old loves (play writing), exciting opportunities, listening to new great albums, researching family tree, reading sad news coverage thus crying over sad news coverage, sleeping, not enough blogging, not drinking enough water, not cleaning enough, online food shopping, eating too much chocolate, headaches, tummyaches, dreaming about very very strange things and rediscovering parsley – so I do like it?!

Oh and I invented a new word that had me in hysterics at work. Bunger. Long story.

Hope you all have a great weekend wherever you are and here’s hoping mother nature lays off our little planet for a while hey?

Photo via weheartit.com


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