• Creativity,  Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    10 Benefits of Social Media

    Outfit details at the bottom of the post After finally achieving a better online/offline balance on social media over the past few months (we’re good chums again) I felt inclined, whilst reading numerous digital detox articles, to talk about its perks. I’m not denying social media has its problems; causing anxiety, attracting pesky trolls and acting as a tool for distraction. But dependent on how you choose to use the platform, I feel its benefits completely outweigh the negative aspects…

  • uk lifestyle blogs
    Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    20 Things About Me

    It occurred to me whilst on my recent blog break that I write with old readers in mind; the ones who have been following my blog from the early days, like talking to old friends I guess (*waves*). But in fact, there are new readers here too and I thought an introduction was way overdue. Hello, new readers!

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Good Vibes Only 

    I’m diving straight into the good and positive things that have happened over the past few weeks because there’s no words to even understand or comprehend the goings on this last week…good vibes only. Squeeze those loved ones tight and find your happy. Manchester | Never have I been more proud of this northern city and its people. I’m so thankful that Hebden Bridge is only a short train ride away from it and I going to make sure we visit…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Wardrobe Details: Dungarees, Trench Coat and Suede Trainers

    Outfit details at the bottom of the post I love dungarees. Just like my other wardrobe favourites (hello cosy old jumper, dress with deep pockets and Christy dressing gown); they give me comfort. I admit that I wear them indoors at home more than I do outdoors in public. I’m not sure that they suit me completely  (because of my own tummy/thigh issues) so last week I had a word with myself, and as I am a fully fledged member…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Good Vibes Only #2

    Another good vibes post? Well yeah, I feel that I need to take note of all the positive things that put a spring in my step on a frequent basis (I do this sporadically anyway) so as not to focus on the crummy stuff. Shall we begin? Quiet moments Listening to blues music and quietly falling asleep. Sometimes the most uneventful things are the most gratifying.  Guilty pleasures Cooking from scratch chills me out at the end of a working day but…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Good Vibes Only

    If it weren’t for the small positive moments that I’ve appreciated lately I could have easily written off the past week entirely. I’ve had a silly amount of anxiety attacks that have been upsetting not only because they’ve come out of the blue but also as they suck the life out of you. I’ve somehow managed to get my work done and have a social life, however if I owe you an email, phone call or text, please bear with…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Lately: March Thoughts

    I’m pretty good at letting things go, moving on and looking forward so when a new month beckons after a ‘meh’ one it feels good to start a fresh chapter. I was a bit rubbish last month. I used to get top marks in school for my effort in class but over the last few weeks I have to admit my brain has just not wanted to play ball – maybe I should have been wearing one of those ‘winging…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Lately: Days Like These

    Outfit details at the bottom of the post Well hello there chums. Did you have a grand weekend and are suitably geared up for the week ahead? I’m going to quickly gloss over the fact that these weeks are whizzing by. I’m not going to lie, it’s starting to freak me out. HOW is it almost March? And don’t I say this every single month? Just a reminder, I guess, that time is fleeting and to crack on with fully…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Thoughts on…

    Outfit details at the bottom of the post I’m writing this on my way home from a hen do weekend in Bournemouth and I’m absolutely shattered, on a standing room only train back home. But I’ve had the best weekend with friends and lucky enough to be heading home to a warm house (and bath) to then watch the BAFTAS and Taboo with my two partners in crime. So all is grand. Whilst I nurse my hot chocolate (and a…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Lately: A Resolution Check-In 

    Outfit details at the bottom of the post Prior to the Christmas holidays I’d been feeling frazzled; thinking too much and feeling too little. In this modern age it’s all too easy to want to be able to do everything and be good at it all to boot but of course that simply cannot be the case without something giving way. After two weeks off, where I was offline most of the time and feeling pretty darn happy about it…

  • Lifestyle,  Style and Beauty

    Travel: The Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh

    Just after the New Year I went to Edinburgh with my chum Julia to celebrate her birthday, for a change of scenery and to stretch our legs (burning off those Christmas mince pies) in a city she used to study in. I’ve been to the city a handful of times before but this time I was looking forward to experiencing some of the culture Edinburgh has to offer; namely the museums, art galleries and historical monuments. It’s the only thing…