Hebden Bridge

52 Lists: Week 1 & 2

In the blogging community there is always a project to get involved with. Something that helps you keep motivated between bloggers-block days, that will challenge and inspire you and help you find new and inspiring blogs to follow. The project I’ve chosen to take part in this year is 52 Lists: A list a week for a year project created by Made in Hunters.

52 lists

I only discovered the project last week so I’m two weeks behind (always late to the party) so here I am catching up.

Week 1: List your goals for the year:

  1. Write letters and postcards each week to lovely folk
  2. Fill the cake tin each week and enjoy homemade yumminess every day
  3. Go to the cinema and gigs more; films and music are a big part of my life afterall
  4. Settle back into a running routine to help with anxiety
  5. Speak to my friends more (I’ve just discovered WhatsApp – oh my!)
  6. Keep a diary and stick to it (I tend to switch from diary to notebook, then to phone notepad!). Double booking hazzard!
  7. Take creative photographs with my DSLR and camera phone
  8. Show myself more on the blog
  9. Take more pictures of myself and the OH together. We’re both a bit rubbish in front of the camera!
  10. Never save my best for best. EVERY DAY is the best day

uk lifestyle blog

I’ve already made a good start with 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 so I’m pleased (smug) with myself at the moment. I’ll be blogging throughout the coming months about these little goals individually. Look out tomorrow for a beautiful stationery website to help with goal number 1!

Week 2: Favourite moments of 2013

  1. Visiting Western Australia
  2. My words and photographs being published in print
  3. A family wedding (amazing!)
  4. Birth of my new niece (Oh Ruby!)
  5. Camping with university friends
  6. Owning my very own DSLR camera
  7. OH getting a new job that he LOVES!
  8. NYE in Bamburgh, Northumberland

I love looking back at my favourite moments of the year as it gives me insight into what truly matters to me and how I want it to progress in the future.

Are you taking part in 52 Lists or any other projects? You don’t have to be a blogger to take part! The 52 Loaves project created by Little Green Shed is a good one too if you want to hone your bread making skills.


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