Hebden Bridge,  Home Interiors,  Style and Beauty

Best British Designer-Makers: Catherine Tough


I like knitted goods. In fact I would rather wear a snug pair of lambswool socks and curl up on the sofa with my blanket than wear a pair of sandals soaking up the sun – draughty houses have accustomed me to such quirks, my friends. So imagine my delight when I stumbled across the cosy accessories and homewares of  the London based brand, Catherine Tough, over my morning cup of English Breakfast.


Catherine Tough

Graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1999, Catherine’s passion to create modern and playful designs born from a traditional craft has inspired a range of gifts, accessories and homewares for you to own and love. Her charming products, including the lambswool fox and crow socks and are all hand knitted and finished in the UK. Pure warmth streaming through my laptop screen, folks…


Visit Catherine’s website for more snug inspiration.

P.S Explore the blog for more UK Designer-Makers.

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