
Tote of the week: Motel Tote Bag in Badger Print

 This Badger tote from Motel (£9) pleases me so. What a dapper bag to store my library books in! I do like a nice badger, especially one that wears a red bow tie. Happy sigh.

So as the cold is working its magic outside, I’m planning a few things for the weekend. Cue the bullet points!

  • Going to see my gorgeous nephew and family
  • Walk in the snow (if it descends), followed by a tasty roast dinner cooked by friends
  • Make a card for my Valentine…

  • Finally, a lazy lie in, perhaps?

What do you have planned? Happy Weekend!


  • Lisa-Marie

    HE HAS A BOWTIE! I love it.

    My weekend was –tea, hot chocolate, reading ‘Super Sad True Love Story’, roast chicken, a blog makeover, soup, and will be the second ep of Birdsong, more tea, clean bedding, and maybe 500 Days of Summer.

    Yours sounds pretty great!

  • Conversation Pieces

    He’s so cute! Gotta love a dapper badger 😉 My weekend was all work really but I have tomorrow until Thurs off work so that’s my weekend… going to read 2&3 of the Hunger Games and drink hot chocolate 🙂

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