Hebden Bridge

Happy February, hello fringe!

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! My oh my how is it February already? Looking back, January has been OK. A few ups and downs but OK. It has taken me most of last month to feel creative and motivated but I’m just about there. I decided to not put myself under too much pressure as I could feel my health suffering a bit thinking of all the things I should be doing (diagnosed with asthma too- boo!). Anyhoo, I’m looking forward to this month and all it brings.

In other news I have a fringe! I was bored and watched a few YouTube videos on how to cut straight bangs and the rest, my friends, is history. Don’t look too closely (I’m not sure if they are super straight) but hey-ho I like my new look, I think it’s given me some new energy, ooh-la-la!

Here’s to a happy, healthy, productive and creative February!

P.S Look out for my Natural History blog post after 4pm!


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