Hebden Bridge

I have loose tea in my handbag!

Last week, myself and the best mate stopped for a chat and rest at the newly opened Hebden Tea in Hebden Bridge. Black teas, Chai teas, Olive teas; you name it they’ve drunk it.

Katy opted for the aromatic Earl Grey and I, being an amateur tea drinker, asked for English Breakfast (A tad embarrassing when there’s a large variety!). It. Was. Amazing. The best tea I’ve had in a long, long while, served in open tea bags (not sure what they’re called) and pretty mugs.

I popped by a couple of days later to purchase a bag and opted for the English Melange variety (loose) and skipped out of the shop thinking:

“By Jove! I have loose tea in my bag. Farewell little square teabags.”

We live a pretty frugal lifestyle so the odd treat now and again really does wonders for the soul. It’s nice to taste the finer things in life once in a while.

Luckily I have a strainer my friend bought me, so I don’t need a filter teapot. But where’s the harm in looking? These beautiful Stump teapots, exhibited at the Tate Modern, can be bought at the Organic House Cafe in Hebbers too. Ah, the colours!

I thank Hebden Tea for beginning my tea education! You can also buy online, go take a peek!

Now, who’s up for a brew?


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