Hebden Bridge


I have been tagged in a meme by the lovely Elizabeth over at Rosalilium. If you haven’t read her blog, go take a look, she’s one of my favourite reads and inspires me daily with her musings!

So the general idea is to answer 7 questions, then ask 7 questions to other bloggy people. Here goes!

What did you want to be when you were grown-up?

I wanted to be an actress. I studied Drama throughout school and then went on to University to do the same. I’m not sure what happened along the way, life I guess. I think at some point I wanted to be a lighthouse keeper too alas I think that was just a phase…: )
I would love to get back in to it though, I’m plucking up the courage to do a few readings at the local amateur theatre company. Just need some confidence I think!

What is your indulgence?

Chocolate. By the power of grayskull, I. LOVE. IT. Dark, white, milk, crunchy, caramel-ly (I realise this is not a word) and nutty. I adore it in its entirety.
p.s Any chocolate companies out there who need a sampler, pick me! pick me!

What is your favourite place on Earth?

This is difficult. There are so many places I haven’t been. In my 30 years on this small planet I would have to say, New York. It makes me feel so completely alive and that’s what life should be about it I think. When I return from NY I always feel so sad like a big chunk of me has been swallowed up. My sister got married last year in the totally awesome Central Park. It was the best day of my life so far, and I’ll never forget it.

My sister and Dad...taking her up the aisle (bridge) in Central Park!

What book/song/film changed your life or the way you think?

This is such a hard question. After many cups of tea, and ponderings over Green & Black chocolate I decided it is a song I’ve known for years and heard live at Glastonbury Festival this year. It is, Do you Realize by The Flaming Lips.

The concert was the most amazing gig I’ve ever been to and was one of those moments (you know what I mean). At the time, I felt like I was a part of something so special and the song resonated a lot with me because I lost my Nanna a week earlier. The lyrics say it all I think…

Do You Realize – that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize – we’re floating in space –
Do You Realize – that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize – that everyone you know someday will die

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes – let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It’s hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn’t go down
It’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

What did you have for breakfast today?

A cupcake. Oh god I know. I’ve never really been a breakfast person, or morning person in fact, I always feel slightly gooey in the morning (cupcakes don’t help this). Today I brewed myself a cuppa and sneakily pinched a cupcake from the cake tin. No one saw, therefore it did not happen.

What was your favourite subject at school and why?

I had three favourite subjects – Drama, History and English literature. Drama fed my soul, English fed my imagination and History fascinated me.

If you could visit one country where would it be and why?

A place I’ve never been? I think it would be Brazil. It has always struck me as a place full of life and colour. I’ve never been to anywhere tropical and I’d love to witness that side of the world.

So there’s a litle about me, now for my questions;

1. Where are you right now?

2. If you were given £10,000 today, what would you do with it?

3. What’s your favourite quote and why?

4. What (if any!) is your worst flaw?

5. Are you a morning person or night owl?

6. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

7. What’s your guilty pleasure?

These 7 questions will now whittle their way through the internet to;


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