Hebden Bridge,  Lifestyle

Blogs? What are those then?

I am the first to admit I am not the most technology-savvy person in our little world. I still feel very sad when I think about the day Boo and I took my VHS collection to Help the Aged (tears were shed). Of course I am not going to stand in the way of progress,  I love my ipod, spangly new sewing machines and of course my new blog . Let’s just say it takes me a little bit longer to ‘catch on’ and get used to all this ‘new malarkey’. Dont get me started on audio tapes, those were happy days!

Even whilst writing this post I managed to lose all I had written. Furiously shouting ‘UNDO!UNDO!’ at the screen (and at Boo) I realised it was lost forever, not even Mr WordPress saved me a draft, how dare you! It’s probably somewhere hidden in the depths of t’interland. I’m placing my bets on Microsoft Word from now on. Copy and paste thank you very much.

I am loving this blogging life, it’s quite addictive isn’t it? I’m finding it quite therapeutic tapping away, when I would normally be worrying about silly things. I also think it’s great to document your thoughts. I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, but never got past January. Most entries consisted of  ‘I had pizza for tea. It was nice’ or ‘Why didn’t he call?!’ A blog is completely different, it’s a brilliant outlet and I cant wait to get all the ideas I have out of my head!

So what made me pick up my laptop? I’ve had a big change in my lifestyle over the past year. I used to work in Promotions and Marketing for a regional newspaper (this is the only time i’ll talk about that side of my life!) in Leeds city centre. Since leaving last year and moving to Hebden Bridge, I took  some time off to figure a few things out. One of the main things that has come out of this year, is my desire to make and remake things. I absolutely love it. I don’t have my own sewing machine (yet!) but have a friend who lets me use hers as often as I please (payment in  crafty creations!). I want to create more, maybe have a market stall, sell online one sunny day and learn new craft skills. All of which i will be doing in my spare time when i’m not working in the shop (lovely place, 5 mins from my house!). In the meantime, writing a blog is just as creative, so I thought i’d make a start.

So I will be starting a page very soon with some of my pieces, I hope you like them! I will be doing craft tutorials too, if you fancy giving it ago and are a beginner like me!

Finally, two people helped me get this blog off the ground and I would like to say thank you to them both! Katy, for planting the seed in my head and who encouraged me to actually google ‘wordpress’ and ‘sign up’. I’m looking forward to seeing hers next! Lastly, my boy Boo, who showed me how it all works (including how to change the word heart to a symbol).

Thank you ♥

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