• Home Interiors

    At Home: Refresh Rather Than Relocate

    As part of their ‘Refresh Rather Than Relocate’ competition, Look Again invited me with some rather nifty bloggers to curate a moodboard of products to refresh a room of our choice. Armed with a pretend budget of £750, I get to cherry-pick my favourite pieces from the site and share with you lovely lot. Plus there is a chance I could actually win my picks too (I’m a proud member of the in it to win it camp) so let the interior battle commence!…

  • Hebden Bridge,  Home Interiors

    10 Great Room Makeovers

    It’s been great reading the other entries for the Room For Improvement challenge, so I thought I’d compile a list of my favourites. It really is very encouraging to see what you can do for under £50 (only a few were over) and how a space can completely change with just a little effort! Take a peek below for some great room makeover inspiration! { Claireabellemakes } { Wrapped Up In Rainbows } { Ohnorachio } { And then all…