• Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #87

    Pick a positive word and use it every day this week. Can you guess mine? Write a letter to a family member of friend telling them why you think they are ace. Be overly cheesy. Give a piece of your furniture a makeover; inspired by Heart Handmade UK’s  20 Incredible Furniture Makeovers blog post. Give your hairbrush a good clean. Lots of tips here. Start writing a summer to do list – make this summer a splendid one! See what I did there?…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #84

    Go for a walk with only your ipod/mp3 player. Make paper aeroplanes out of unwanted post. Call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while. Give your laptop or computer keyboard a good clean. Send a nice email to a business that gave you great service. Brew up and see my previous 5 Positive Things posts here and don’t forget to enter the Archie and the Rug craft book bundle giveaway! ♥

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #82

    Play frisbee in the park Wash all your summer scarves – my no.1 Spring/Summer accessory! Buy insoles, plasters, pop socks and deodorising spray and put them in a cute makeup bag. See a post later in the month for my Spring/Summer handbag essentials. Meet a friend for a slice of pizza, New York style. Paint your outdoor windowsills Brew up and see my previous 5 Positive Things posts here. ♥

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #75

    Meet friends for a milkshake. Learn the basics of a new language for holidays abroad. Book a gig. I saw Maximo Park last week and it blew away my stressed cobwebs! Sit on a wall then swing your feet. Sounds weird but feels so good! Delete unused apps on your phone and clear some storage. More space for great pics! Brew up and see my previous 5 Positive Things posts here. ♥

  • Hebden Bridge

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #72

    At the beginning of the week, portion healthy snacks in small Tupperware boxes for easy weekday snacking. Seek out inspiration. I love this Just Saying Pinterest board by Born and Bred Studio. Buy Daffodils for someone who makes you happy (and a bunch for yourself). Visit the cobbler and get worn down heels fixed, ready for Spring. Go for a walk and snap pictures of Snow Drops. I’m looking forward to doing this at the weekend with a flask of…

  • Hebden Bridge

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #71

    Save time in the mornings by sorting out your daily outfits for the rest of the week. Create a meal plan for the next 7 days. Treat yourself to new condiments for your kitchen cupboard and fridge. Mmm sweet chilli sauce. Take a look at the Bafta nominees and winners, and treat yourself to a movie night. I highly recommend Blue Jasmine! Declutter your fridge door of receipts, post and anything you no longer need. Give it a good clean…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #69

    If you live near a beach (lucky, lucky you), go collect seashells with friends. Pick yourself up a bright, jolly and sturdy umbrella to make these wet and grey days that little bit happier. Sort through your spice rack and get rid of anything out of date. Ask information about your family history from the eldest member (preferably female) and begin researching your family tree. Research some seasonal recipes. Go crazy with beetroot, kale and leeks! Brew up and see my…

  • Hebden Bridge,  Style and Beauty

    Lately: Doughnuts, Little People and Wax Flowers

    Wax flowers. Aren’t they beautiful? Usually native to Western Australia, I happened to come across them in our local florist. If you rub the stem it smells similar to rosemary but with a hint of citrus. Paper straws to make drinking water a bit more fun (and it goes down quicker) The little people in my life (his sister was cosy in her pram). Being an Aunt is rather splendid. Our joint anniversary gift to each other (6 years!) for…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #68

    Read through these cheaper alternatives to fancy-pants posh ingredients from A Girl Called Jack. Love her ideas! Buy Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila) to pop around the house. Perfect for an inexpensive Winter pick-me-up. Organise your home with these brilliant ideas from Design Sponge. Buy a travel guide for your next holiday adventure. Check out your library too! Receive soap for Christmas, but you prefer hand wash? Pop them in your drawers or wardrobe to make them smell nice. Tumble dryer sheets are…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #66

    Pop a note in the pocket of your favourite person and let them know how awesome they are. Or text someone you love to brighten up their early morning. Find Jenga. Play Jenga. Sort out your bookshelves. Any books you think someone you know would like? Leave a little note in the front cover and pop through their letterbox, post in the mail or leave on a train (unexpected gifts are the best). Sit with a hot drink outside (when…

  • Hebden Bridge

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #65

    Apart from eating, drinking and being merry here’s a few things to make the coming week a good one! Spend a little time reading all of the Christmas cards you have received and be grateful for all the people in your life. If possible give your home/room a good clean tonight so it is sparkly and tidy for Christmas. Don’t forget a Christmas soundtrack! There are lots of cars and pedestrians trying to get home today and tomorrow so be…

  • Lifestyle

    5 Positive Things To Do This Week #64

    Spend an hour or two looking through old photographs one night this week. Check your rubbish/recycling collection times for the Christmas period and recycle anything you can in advance. Tip – give old magazines to friends/family for them to read over the festive break. Look after each other this week; make people extra cups of tea, smile, and be nice. Have a sort out of your fridge and get rid of anything past its best. Treat yourself to a fancy…