Hebden Bridge

52 Lists: List Your Favourite Blogs and Why


My blog reader (I use Bloglovin’) is jam-packed with bloggers from all over the world. I do try to keep up with everyone but I admit there are a few I immediately read when they pop up on my feed. I’m a sucker for creative DIYs, unique features and colourful home and style inspiration. I love to read blogs that manage to capture their personality in their writing style, without necessarily sharing every aspect of their lives.

Here are 5 special bloggers who create unique and brilliant content that I love.

  1. Cardboard Cities. Laura is a mixed media collage artist and illustrator and her blog focuses on illustration, fashion, colour and lifestyle. It’s a visual treat to read and I like her cheerful style too.
  2. Fall for DIY As the title suggests, this awesome blog focuses on DIY projects. There is a DIY project for everyone on this beautifully styled blog; whether you’re partial to jewellery, fashion or interiors. Magic makery!
  3. Junkaholique. One of the first blogs I ever read. A beautiful space on the internet filled with vintage delights and English charm. I love catching up on the adventures of Artemis, Nao and Pehr and can’t wait to visit the Isle of Wight one day soon.
  4. Seeds and Stitches I’ve been reading Hannah’s blog since the beginning of this blogging malarkey and similar to Junkaholique, it has a real charm. It’s now a collaborative blog between Hannah Bullivant and Davina Drummond documenting their family adventures, creations and inspirations – very exciting to see this blog evolve. A positive move I think!
  5. Take Courage I get my London fix every now and again from the ukulele playing blogger, Cat. Her blog posts are very special and she has a real talent for photography and creative DIYs.

What are your top 5 favourite blogs?

P.S See my previous lists here as part of the Made in Hunters 52 lists project


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