Hebden Bridge

The Camper Van Compromise


All images via Snailtrail.co.uk

We are a thrifty couple and are very good at saving money everyday. We don’t put things on credit anymore, or look for quick fixes, and are always on the lookout for ways to save pennies on our daily spends. Having said all that, we aren’t organised for the future quite yet. We have no mortgage, have yet to apply for an ISA, and have very little in the savings account.

If you are a regular reader of this blog (a thousand times thank you) you may remember my Imagine post I wrote at the beginning of the year. It was a rambling post where I wax lyrical about realising dreams to make room for new ones, as part of the one little world series. One of those dreams was to own a VW Camper Van, and set off across the UK for adventures I’ve dreamt about since I was a kiddo.

As much as I would like to reveal our very own shiny VW camper, teeming with vintage features and set of fuzzy dice, we’re not quite there yet. In fact, we’re very far away indeed. There is no camper van parked on our street and very little money in the old bank account. The reason? Lack of disposable income (we’re working on that as we speak!) and the pressure of being in our thirties; should we really be thinking of buying a motor home when we don’t own our own house yet?

For us to afford one we basically have two options; to live an extremely thrifty lifestyle (more so than now) for quite some time or let go of the dream until it is more realistic. Both of those options suck so we’ve opted for a brilliant compromise!

uk lifestyle blog

Whilst running (and walking) with my Sister-in-Law we realised that both of us and our partners wanted to own a camper van. Us, mainly for our weekend and holiday adventures and them for a year long road trip around Europe in a few years time.  Can you see where I’m heading?

We have decided to share! It will split the cost four ways,  the tax and insurance will be cheaper (it is for classic cars) and more importantly, there will be four hands on deck for repairs and prettifying. An Eco and cost effective way to realise our dreams – hurrah!

 Suddenly, after months of putting money into our savings account (and taking it back out) I have my mojo back and I can imagine actually owning a van. A van that will be looked after and cared for by four Hebden Bridge folk!

Maybe compromise should be my one little word next year?

P.S As for the pics? Well, I had to start bookmarking pretty camper vans didn’t I?

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