Hebden Bridge,  Style and Beauty

London Retro Glasses via Glasses Direct

London Retro Glasses

Say hello to my new Fitzrovia retro glasses from Glasses Direct. Pretty, non? I’ve been wearing these beauties whilst watching The Good Life, making pancakes, reading magazines and listening to The Kinks whilst pottering in the garden; they are officially my weekend glasses and I’m a bit in love.

Glasses Direct

I’ve had an on/off relationship with glasses over the years. My first pair, when I discovered I was short-sighted, were courtesy of the NHS and had large rainbow frames (cheers for that parents). After years of metal framed eyewear that made me look awkward I then decided to go without and squint my way through the teenage years into adulthood (with the help of my 20/20 vision friends). Then began my relationship with contact lenses – we are not the best of friends. I’ve tried the most expensive, the least, the inbetween and have yet to find a pair that don’t hurt my eyes. So, I’m a glasses girl once again, who opts for contact lenses when the sun shines (I still need to purchase prescription sunnies).

London Retro

Glasses Direct

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London Retro

My new glasses are exactly the type I would have refused to wear as a child and now look at me, I’m swooning at their 70s style and tortoise colour. Oh how things change! London Retro glasses have a great range of vintage inspired frames and you can opt for different lens packages dependent on your budget and requirements. You can also sample different styles in their 7-day home trial until you find the perfect retro pair.

Do you wear glasses? What style do you go for?


Disclosure: Glasses Direct sent me a pair of glasses to review. As always, all opinions are my own.



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