
Birthdays and Celebrations

Does anyone else have a particular month in the year full of family and friends birthdays? Well, June is mine and so far we have celebrated four birthdays and a new addition to the family, and we’re not even half way through the month. Cue cuteness…

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To celebrate my nephew and sister’s birthday, and the birth of baby Ruby, the lovely folk over at Thorntons sent me the Happy Birthday and Congratulations Hamper for the whole family to dive into. Thorntons is a British brand my family love and have grown up with; my Mum is partial to the Champagne Truffles (as am I), Dad loves the Special Toffee (erm, me too) and my sister and I love EVERYTHING. With this knowledge, I knew the hampers would go down a treat including enough variety for the whole family to enjoy and discover. The Happy Birthday Hamper, for example, contains a range of chocolate and fudge (see the link for all its contents), and even includes a Sunflower plant – a lovely addition to celebrate a little boy turning two. However, in true family style, my nephew bypassed the plant, grabbed a handful of Vanilla Fudge and shoved it in his mouth all at once. Classy.



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The Celebration Hamper made a welcome gift for the grown ups, who have a lot on their mind at the moment (a new baby and boisterous toddler!), including Marc de Champagne Truffles, Continental Viennese chocolates, Special Toffee, Milk, Dark, White Classics Collection, Dessert Gallery and a Milk Chocolate Plaque pre-iced with ‘Congratulations’. That’s my type of hamper, folks.

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If you’re tempted for Father’s Day, there is a great range of hampers (from only £12) that can be delivered to their door. Or, like me, you could turn up on the doorstep with a Cheers To Dad Hamper and a copy of Angling Times; fishing, beer and chocolate make a very happy Dad.

What have you been celebrating lately?



Disclosure: I was sent two hampers to review. As always, all opinions are my own.


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