Hebden Bridge

4 things.

There are four things that I want to do this week:

  • Finish a book from beginning to end (I’m a slow reader).
  • Make a new recipe for tea including desert (I don’t do starters).
  • Craft my heart out (including a super lovely project I’m working on a for a friend).
  • Post lots of packages and cards.

These are hardly epic or ambitious goals for the week but each will fill me with a lot of  ‘oomph’ after a good few weeks of feeling peaky (I’m getting there). It is the small things after all.

My Bank Holiday weekend included: Dog walks in the Crags, comfort pasta, reading, drinking tea, movies including Zombieland, The Hours, Inception and The Arbor, country drives with friends, strange pound coins, roast chicken dinners, wet walks in the skate park,Victoria sponge and lots of hugs.

One Comment

  • Alexandra Thérèse

    Your bank holiday weekend sounds perfect + it’s good to hear your feeling a little brighter too! Is that pound coin real?! I always get really annoyed if I’m fobbed off with Canadian cents instead of pennies! I know what you mean about wanting to finish a book – I always seem to start them and then discover them months later and have too start them all over again because I’ve forgotten the first part. Thanks for reminding me that I need to write my postcards and get them sent asap too… xx

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