
Wet weekend

Firstly, I have to share this. It quite literally changed my life.

Pointed out to me by Gaelle and blogged about via High Street Home; Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce you to…

Be still my beating heart…

The project belongs to Juri Zaech posted on the Behance Network, a creative professional platform. He is currently working out a way to have a prototype made (I’ll test it!). I NEED this bike to be made! Who needs pedals, huh?

Anyhoo, back to business. How was your weekend? Ours began with a plan; a lazy day and a day at the Vintage Rally in Hebden Bridge, but alas those plans were scuppered by the rain ( horizontal weird wet stuff) so instead we declared it ‘Wet Weekend’ and spent most of it indoors…glorious!

Prancing around in my £1.21 Ebay dress...uh oh the rain's coming!
Tasty treats including English Melange tea, Ethiopian Fair trade coffee, biscotti and a new diary.

Re watching What's Eating Gilbert Grape, ah love this film.
Watching The Man Who Wasn't There for the first time; Cinematography swoon!
The Last Time I Saw Paris, picked up for only £1, is next on my list.

I baked banana loaf, catched up on blogs and read magazines while Boy Boo skipped around the house excited about the new Football season…my friends, ’twas bliss.

So, this week, I’m looking forward to seeing the folks after their holiday, seeing my nephew (he smiles now!), a craft day (which I didn’t get round to last week), working hard so one day I can afford these:

…learning how to self-host my blog, planning a weekend or weekday getaway to the seaside (any ideas for a non driving couple?), and picking the blog birthday giveaway winner (stay tuned!).

Happy Monday!


  • Elizabeth@rosalilium

    Oh my goodness, there is just too much awesomeness here for me to take in!

    Firstly, super-cute dress!

    Secondly, where are those boots from? I am now coveting too.

    Thirdly, I really need to watch The Man Who Wasn’t There – I like good cinematography.

    Finally, that bike is amazeballs! You probably should own one.


    • Lisa

      Teehee! Firstly the boots are fom Hudson (just click on image)…
      Secondly, I thought I would show my face a bit more, ergo, my new dress! Finally, the bike. I NEED IT!!!! : )

  • Kat got the cream

    Ditto to all of Elizabeth’s points above! Also, i think you should open a home cinema so friends can come and make use of your clearly amazing film collection!

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