Hebden Bridge

Catch the sun.

It does surprise me how each Summer we are shocked by the lack of sun and hot weather in this country. You see, I can’t remember a Summer, apart from when I was a kid, when it was warm and sunny for the full run. Can you? So why are we miffed?

I’m guilty of it too. Every Summer comes round and I’m chasing sunshine. Not the suntan (I’m as white as cream cheese and burn easily) but the feeling, the kiss of sun that makes everyone come alive.

Summer hasn’t meant sunshine and beach holidays in a long while for me. So I got to thinking, what does Summer really mean to me? What do I get up to during those fleeting months…come rain or shine?

I eat ice lollipops (Via 6 Bittersweets Blog)
I go to festivals (Via NME)
I walk, lay and love the smell of grass. It smells like Summers old and new (via Sleepless)
I eat Potato Salad...(Via Healthy Inspiration)
I Watch Wimbledon on the TV, it relaxes me while I sew.
Oh, and I check the weather forecast...(guilty as charged).


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