Hebden Bridge

“The mere chink of cups and saucers tunes the mind to happy repose.” George Gissing

While writing my play, I’ve discovered how ruddy hard it is to completely switch off and be ‘in’ the play. My fault really, I look to my right and there they are; The three temptations. My Ipod, phone and chocolates. On the Ipod is the internet; twitter, emails, facebook…how they taunt me so. I keep my phone on silent always, so that’s not really an issue, but it’s there and I am partial to the odd game of snakes on it. Then, come the chocolates. Every time my head gazes up above the computer screen it does a 90 degree turn to the right and my hand sneaks a peek under the box lid shoving a choc in my gob. Oh dear.

Tea, however, is a different matter. It soothes me, calms me, gets me thinking, then spurs me on to write another page till the next mug. Tea, how I love you so. The only issue is the amount of tea breaks I have…hmm? If I had a full pot of tea I wouldn’t have to keep getting up for tea breaks and distracting myself from my play, would I? (Seriously, this is the stuff that goes on in my mind!). I do already have a teapot and I feel bad for talking of another but I really love this vintage inspired teapot from John Lewis…



So, I shall brew myself a pot of tea and leave you with this quote (which I get from my Twinings tea box);

“If you are cold, tea will warm you; if you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited, it will calm you.” Gladstone


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