• Lifestyle

    Festive 5: Kat got the Cream

    On the blog this week I’ve lined up some fantastic bloggers and friends to take part in my Festive 5 series. They’ll be asked five questions all about the season – mainly because I’m nosey like that and Christmas makes me happy! Today we have the delightful Kathryn from Kat got the Cream. Say hello! 1. Where will you spend Christmas this year? I’ll be spending it at home with my lovely mister and our brood of three. Charlie and…

  • Hebden Bridge,  Home Interiors

    My favourite online space.

    I mentioned Freunde von Freunden back in the day and now, over a year on, I can quite safely announce it is my favourite online space. This online magazine interviews international people of diverse and creative backgrounds in their homes and work spaces. If you like to read about interesting people, nosey around their houses and work space (like me!), then take a peek! Every house should have a wigwam, right? ♥