
Positive Things To Do (with International Women’s Day in mind)

1| REFLECT, share and celebrate the cultural and political achievements made by extraordinary women throughout history.

2| Watch F Rated films

The F-Rating is applied to films by cinemas and film festivals giving moviegoers an easily identifiable label so they can choose films that fairly represent women on screen and behind the camera. Highlighting these films sends a clear message to distributors, producers and funders that women can and should have more than just a supporting role within the industry.

3| Donate period supplies for asylum seekers via Bloody Good Period 

4| Read What My Girlfriends Told Me

5| Commit to exercise. NOT to lose weight, but with an aim to be strong (I highly recommend Roller Derby for this!). Get some inspiration from This Girl Can.

6| Donate and support Safe Gigs For Women.

7|Do something kind for a person you love, including yourself. Practice this every day.

8| Buy a book. The 2018 Women’s Prize for Fiction longlist has been announced celebrating 16 new and established female writers.

9|Listen to A Playful Day podcast in conversation with Alexandra Cameron, on confidence, beauty standards and the power of images.

10| Register to vote. Our next local government elections are on Thursday 3 May.

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