Hebden Bridge


Our weekend centred around one thing – pottering. I do like a good potter. It’s good for the soul and enables you to stay in your pj’s all day. Bonus! Other dribs and drabs of the weekend included:
Putting the world to rights with my sister over a few bottles glasses of wine, leisurely morning walks to the post office to pick up craft books that I’ll be reviewing (more on that soon!), sipping the OH’s milkshake walking home (should have bought my own), tasty cake pops, watching Curb Your Enthusiasm and crying with laughter, cooing over photos of my nephew, writing, researching fencing lessons (I’m serious!), uploading music on my iPod for the week ahead, playing around on Instagram, eating egg ham bake’s (with a dollop of crème fraîche) for breakfast followed by homemade muffins and copious amounts of tea.

Finally, I supervised the OH tidying out our chest of drawers, which I haven’t dared go near since seeing a spider crawling in them. He’s my hero.

Potter, potter, potter…









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